Friday, January 24, 2014

God Helps Us To Finish Tasks

"Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee" (I Chronicles 28:20).

These are the words of King David to his son Solomon when he explained him about the great task of building the Temple of God.

What were the fears of Solomon?

1. The fear that he is a prince
2. The fear that he doesn't know anything about building and the skills he need to have
3. The fear that people might not take his advice
4. The fear about oppositions and charges that he might face when he start to carry out the mission
5. The fear that he might do it wrongly or the builders might carry out things foolishly
6. The fear that whether this big task can be completed as planned
7. The fear that he doesn't have anyone with him for support and counsel
8. The fear that whether the supplies will run out before the finish of the task
9. The fear that people might leave him somewhere in the middle of the work
10. The fear about choosing the right person for the right job.

Many times we stand at a point with fear to proceed further because of the task which is bigger. The same fears Solomon had during that time might be the condition of ours too, fearing whether we can handle the situation or do it. But today our LORD God says,   

# Be strong and of good courage
# Fear not and do not be dismayed
# I will be with you
# I will not fail you, nor forsake you.

So have no fear, God is our strength, and He will be with us in all the things that we do. He will bless the very works of our hands and help us to finish the task set before us, no matter how big is the task. He will be our counsel and guide and He will strengthen us. God bless you.

Have a blessed day!

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