Friday, December 6, 2013

God With Us

"Fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed" (Gen 26:24)

The word of God came to Isaac when he was going through a very difficult situation.

What were his fears?

1. The fear of how to feed his family in the hard time of famine
2. The fear of living in a foreign land because he fled from his place due to famine
3. The fear of losing his loved ones and his family because of the people of that land
4. The fear because of the envy of the people of that land due to all the blessings he received from God
5. The fear because the king of that land ordered him to get away from his land
6. The fear of survival because of the oppositions and obstacles he faced from the people in all the things he did.

Dear friends, we too in our life will be going through such tough situations where fear gripping us. Because of the oppositions we face, the envied voices we hear, lost hope on our future, losing our loved ones. But the same God who promised Isaac today promises us that

# He is going to be with us
# He is going to bless us
#He is going to increase us.

So the word of God comes into our lives "Fear not!" The God who promises us is faithful. He is faithful to take you safe and secure through the path you are going through. Have a blessed day!

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